23 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba


Today’s blog’s topic is nearly related to last week’s.  It is about the main characters of the two newest movies on the cinema.  The both main characters are male, and pretty good at what they do.  They are both young and they have been actors since 2000’s. They are both, girl’s number one lover in their hearts. One of them is a mythological worrier that has to save the humanity against the evil king; other one is the vampire, who is in love a pretty girl but not vampire and trying to protect her against the enemies of the vampire race. Let’s check who these excellent heroes are.
                “Thesus”, his real name is Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill. He was born in England in 5 May 1983. He has been actor since 2001 and he is still continuing acting on the TV series and movies.  He has been actor in twelve films and four TV series. Let’s talk about the ways that no one knows before. Here they are:
-          While he was raising, he has spent his life in France and England.
-          He is very talented on learning languages.
-          He has a great knowledge about ancient Egypt mythology.

“Edward Cullen”, his real name is Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson. He is also from England. He was born in 15 May 1986. He has been actor since 2004 and still doing actoring. He has been the main characters in 14 movie .He also have two TV series, but Twilight Saga made his career became the top. He had been also modeling and musician. He plays guitar and he composes his own music. He had done modeling when he was twelve years old, but he was so skinny and that’s why day by day his career on modeling has over. But  now he is very successful in movie sector.
        Take care of your selves bloggers, wait for new post on next week!!

1 yorum:

  1. You are having some troubles with the font color on your blog page. Please get this fixed so that people can easily read your blog posts.
